Saturday, December 17, 2011

2nd day and still no binge! and a picture of me at the strip club


-1 apple: 40
-1 baby banana: 40
-1 coffee: 5

-1 salade (1 small avocado, 3 baby tomatoes, 4 pickles, 2 mushrooms): 220
-1 bowl of vegetables + 1 tsp of olive oil: 100

-10g of macadamia nuts and dried cranberries: 50
-1 baby tomatoe: 2
-1 tea

-1 bowl of vegetables ( carrots, fine beans, mushrooms, potatoes, zucchinis) + 1 tsp of olive oil: 320
-1 infusion

777, so 800cal for today!!
 I'm eating healthy, and even if I feel like it's way too much calories, I need to keep it like this. Once I know for sure that bulimia is 'gone', I will try to eat less.

Here's a picture of me. It was two monthes ago, I lost weight since then.


  1. Yay, well done on eating all the healthy stuff and not binging :)
    Very jealous of your legs!
    Lottie x

  2. It's smart of you to eat a bit more healthy as a way to combat bingeing, so I hope it helps you in the long run. Keep up the good work :)

    Also, you have a great figure!

  3. Congrats on all the healthy food! You look wonderful :) I love your back! I know that sounds so strange but backs = <3 I don't see many people with fab backs, lucky you :D xx

  4. yaay for no binges! Keep up the good work..

    PS: I agree.. You have a great body and an awsome "back" lol .. Lucky you idd :)
