Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sorry girls for the lack of update.

I don't know how much I weight anymore, and I don't want to know.

I tried working at the strip club, I didn't like it and I wasn't making a lot of money. My housemate is taking care of the brothel I used to work for 3 weeks, so I'm working there at night. I quit last time because of the manager, so for now I don't mind working there. And in the day time I work in a private flat. It's way better than at the massage parlor.

I got really upset with my other flatmate. She told her brother I'm a prostitute, and once we were in this nightclub and she told the security guards. She says 'it's fine, it's fine' it's not fucking fine! I'm ashamed of what I am, and she is telling everybody!

Anyway, good night girls!


  1. I hope your flatmate apologised, she had no business telling other people your private life! I hope you have been well in spite of this? xx

  2. ugh.. hate people like that! if you want people to know - youll tell them your self.. its none of her f'ing buis!

  3. Bonjour Eve,
    Je viens de découvrir ton blog et je dois te dire qu'il m'a beaucoup touché, j'espère sincèrement que la situation s'arrangera le plus vite possible pour toi, tu es passée par des moments si difficiles... Et puis, je sais que la démarche n'est pas si facile, mais sache que si tu ne l'as pas fait tu peux porter plainte pour ce que tu as subi, même pour ce qui remonte à il y a très longtemps (le site par exemple me semble assez clair sur le sujet, notamment pour les délais de prescription).
    Voilà, je suis passé ici par hasard, mais je voulais vraiment te souhaiter ce qu'il y a de meilleur, et, comme les nombreux commentaires lus ici le confirment, te dire qu'il y aura toujours des gens pour te soutenir. Bon courage pour la suite, et bonne chance, tu le mérites !
